Create a List of Favorite Songs Using React

Camryn Williams
1 min readMay 11, 2021

For my phase 2 portfolio project I used an internal JSON API to act as a database for song data that could be posted to using a form submitted by the user and viewed in a list, as well as allowing users to view more information about a song by clicking on the song name within the list. My App component made a fetch GET request to the API upon mounting. The App component also contained four routes: to the home page, the SongList component, the SongForm component, and a nested route to individual FavSong components in which the ID of the song appears in the URL. Each link within the song list displays the title of the song and when clicked, directs the user to the aforementioned FavSong component. The FavSong component renders additional information about the song, such as the artist’s and album’s names.

